IACIP Webinar:
主题:Material Design and Meso-Structure Simulation of Semi-Flexible Pavement
报告人:Zijia Xiong, Ph.D. Candidate
Southeast University (Supervisor: Prof. Lei Zhang)
State Key Laboratory of High Performance Civil Engineering Materials, China,
北京时间: 2022年4月16日(周六)晚21:00-22:00
纽约时间: 2022年4月16日(周六)早9:00-10:00
Click the link to join the meeting: https://voovmeeting.com/dm/tQyin2hPs6Tk
Tencent (VooV) Meeting ID: 770-0762-7504
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"Long-term performance and multi-scale characterization and simulation of cement treated base material"
Qiao Dong,
School of Transportation, Southeast University
"Intelligent Reconstruction, Management and Operation of Traffic Infrastructure"
Jing Hu,
Associate Researcher, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Research Center, Southeast University
"AI Facilitated Highly Efficient Detection and Performance Evaluation of Pavement Condition: Technology and System"
Ju Huyan,
Associate Professor, School of Transportation, Southeast University

"Modeling the Effects of Asphalt Overlay Design on Pavement Distress Initiation and Roughness Progression with Long-Term Pavement Performance Data"
Chunfu Xin
Research Associate, Transportation Institute, Inner Mongolia University
"Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E) of Asphalt Concrete (AC) Pavement During Construction and Service: Principles, Current Practices, and Future Vision"
Siqi Wang,
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
"Design and application of anti-rutting semi-flexible pavement"
Minghui Gong, Senior Engineer, Institute of Transportation Engineering Materials
Jiangsu Sobute New Materials Co. Ltd
State Key Laboratory of High Performance Civil Engineering Materials, China

"Study on aging molecular characteristics and targeted anti-aging technology of asphalt binder"
Meng Guo, Beijing University of Technology

"Analytical investigation of phase assemblages of alkali-activated materials in CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 systems: The management of reaction products and designing of precursors"
Rui Xiao, University of Tennessee

"On Three Common Challenges of Global Geotechnical Profession"
Yue, Zhongqi Quentin
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

"Newly Developed Approach for Intelligent Driving under Intelligent Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperation Systems (i-VICS) "
Yi Zhang
Professor, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University
"Feasibility Study on the Intelligent Monitoring of Pavement Performance"
Jinxi Zhang
Professor, College of Metropolitan Transportation, Beijing University of Technology
6th TIM program
TIM 2023
Please download for more information
The 7th Chinese-European Workshop on Functional Pavement (CEW 2023)
2023 Online Webinar
Webinar Records available Click here

IACIP 2017 Annual Meeting
January 08, 2017
IACIP 2017 annual workshop held in Washington DC, Jan. 8, 2017.
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IACIP Annual Meeting 2018 2018.1 Washington DC, US AnnualWorkshopAnnouncement.pdf
2017 International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials
2017.6 Qingdao, China ICTIM17Announcement.pdf
IACIP Annual Meeting 2017 2017.1 Washington DC, US AnnualMeetingProgram2017.pdf
2016 International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials
2016.7 Xi'an, China ICTIM16Announcement.pdf
IACIP Annual Meeting 2016 2016.1 Washington DC, US AnnualMeetingProgram2016.pdf
IACIP Annual Meeting 2015 2015.1 Washington DC, US WorkShop15Announce.pdf
IACIP Annual Meeting 2014 2014.1 Washington DC, US AnnualMeeting14.pdf
IACIP Annual Meeting 2013 2013.1 Washington DC, US AnnualMeeting13.pdf
IACIP Annual Meeting 2012 2012.1 Washington DC, US Meeting_Brochure12.pdf
IACIP Annual Meeting 2011 2011.1 Washington DC, US AnnualMeeting2011.pdf